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Stalked by books

January 2, 2011

Is there anything better than “finding” a new author or a new novel that you really like? But how to discover them? They don’t just turn up on your doorstep by themselves … Or do they?

Often I find that hear about an author, a film, a website or a café in the passing. Sometimes it’s just that. Sometimes the same things keep following me until I take notice. It sounds more mysterious than it is. I’m sure it happens to most people.
For instance, I have an account on Amazon, and based on the books that I own and have on my wishlist, the site generates a list of books that I may like. I’ll admit that I have caved in and purchased a few of them (after doing a bit of research). An other example is blurbs on the back of the books I read written by someone who is an author himself. After a while, I can’t help wondering if the guy who thinks that several of my favourite novels are brilliant may have written something I would like too.
Borrowed books are fantastic for me as a means of discovering something new as well. Several of the books I really like were recommended and lent to me by friends, and I hope that I in turn have been able to inspire some of their reading adventures. Now and then I take a look at bestseller lists or pick up (or catch up on) authors that I read during my studies.
All in all, it seems to me that the more often a book turns up in conversation or as a recommendation, the more likely it is that it is relevant to me. Not always something that will turn into an all time favourite of mine, but something that I should probably know a bit about or read because it is somehow connected to my literary interests. So I stay tuned.

– And here’s a link for you. You may know it already, but I only recently found a link and made a profile. Basically it’s a website where you can make your own online bookshelves to keep track of which books you own, the ones you have read and your to-read list. It also has toplists of books, a rating system and the possibility of making reviews. And few of the authors that I really like (such as Neil Gaiman and Margaret Atwood) have profiles there.
Does anyone else have a profile there? Do you find it useful? Or are you perfectly happy with your non-virtual bookshelves?

12 Comments leave one →
  1. January 3, 2011 12:58 am

    Excellent post.

    Sometimes I just wander around the library and books that I need to read attract my attention. Exactly when my attention needed to be caught. 🙂


    • January 3, 2011 9:34 am

      Thank you very much!
      Oh yes, that is a good point. It’s been a while since I did that, but I used to do it at the library of the university. It had such a wonderfully inspiring atmosphere, and I would wander around and look at book spines until something caught my attention. Thank you for bringing that up! 🙂


  2. January 3, 2011 2:12 pm

    I used to wander the library too. Now I wander the internet. I don’t use GoodReads, maybe that will change.

    My MIL is a reading machine, and I give many of my books to her when I’m done with them. I’ve turned her into a Stephen King fan. I think she’s still hoping to turn me into a Glenn Beck fan. Ain’t gonna happen. 🙂


    • January 3, 2011 7:06 pm

      Ah, it’s wonderful to trade books with others. Good work with the influence! 🙂


  3. Maribeth permalink
    January 3, 2011 2:46 pm

    Hi, thanks for recently visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’m thrilled that you found my post helpful.

    I also have a goodreads account.I love it because every time I hear of a book that sounds interesting, I add it to my to read list. This enables me to remember books that I might have forgotten about.

    I enjoy reading other people’s opinions on books that I have already read and books that I’m thinking about reading.



    • January 3, 2011 7:07 pm

      And the same to you. 🙂
      Yes, I think Goodreads is good for that sort of thing. I’m looking forward to using it.


  4. Catana permalink
    January 3, 2011 3:16 pm

    Goodreads is evil. It causes books to stalk me until I buy them. But really — it also reminds me of books that I should reread, and its a wonderful way to support authors that you admire with your reviews and ratings, especially the lesser-known ones who are struggling to get known.


    • January 3, 2011 7:12 pm

      Haha, it sounds dangerous. I thought it might be. Good point about supporting authors! 🙂


  5. January 4, 2011 6:26 am

    Oh my god I have been seriously looking for a site like this!

    I have a kindle and so I am always annoyed when I get recommended books I already read or have. I wish they could have a feature where you could keep track of all the books I have read. It would be interesting to see how many books in total I have read. Anyways, I’ve bookmarked the page and am excited to create a profile!


    • January 4, 2011 7:12 pm

      That’s great! I’m glad you can use the link. I find it useful, and I hope that you will too. Good luck listing them all!


  6. Karina Gyldenkaerne permalink
    January 4, 2011 12:36 pm

    I came upon Goodread some time ago, but while I was fascinated with the idea, I guess, I wasn’t ready to use it. Now coming across it again through your post, I’ve created an account. I have already added almost 300 books. It’s a fascinating trip down memory lane. But best of all – My “to-read”-list has already been vastly expanded. Yay.
    Other than that, I am a library browser myself. I often say that I “grew up in libraries”, because my family have always used them extensively.
    I also enjoy the recomendations on Amazon – “people that bought that book also bought…”. Helpful.


    • January 4, 2011 7:14 pm

      I’m glad to hear that you like it! Yes, it is a fascinating trip down memory lane. I’m putting together a list (or shelf) of books that I want to purchase as well as those I already own.


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